Someone's Gotta Say This Shit

Well, now I think that I am the last one to fall off the fucking blogging train. So yes I am now mooing. Are you happy? Mostly this will be random shit but may be if you filter through the lovely bits of nonsense and bullshit, you may find a nice little nugget of wisdom. but seriously dont hold your breath for it.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Return to the Blogging

Hell shit how long has this been... I mean how long has really been since I put up a post on this thing and lets go even farther back for a post of relevance. (If you are trying to answer that, I no longer need you as a reader.)

Well what has happened with me since... Christ it was APRIL... Well short list it up to somewhat recent times...

1. May trip to SD shooting for Bizible
I got hurt there but not near as much stress there as when I came back
2. Brownville Village Theatre (May to August)
Fun again this year
God it is going to be hard to say good bye to that place.
I may be there one more year after I don't think it is fun any more.
3. Started back at working with Aurstaff and taking classes @ OCP (August to Nov)
Got pissed with working with Aurstaff (working really shitty hours like 4 hours)

During this period I was working "for classes" on the sets for the up-coming shows at the Playhouse. And also even worked the sound board for a show that is in a very small space (The Howard Drew Theatre, if you know what that is). And they had 8 people with microphones in there. It felt almost impossible to keep everyone microphone even sounding because sure enough there would be a person talking directly into someone else's mic. And on top of that, it was a musical. All around fun experience though.

Now in November I did something that I think was really smart on my part. I became a Janitor for the Playhouse. I figured they knew my schedule, it was something I was some what used to doing on a smaller scale at BVT. And I can't say exactly what I am getting paid, but trust me, it is on the high side of what I would have gotten at Aurstaff. So I have been doing that for about a month and I have a very good idea that it will work out for me. The hours are from 11:00 PM to 7:00 the next morning, so I am basically alone for most of my work day. (Envy me now) My schedule is also is a little different because I work for Wednesday to Sunday (the days that the playhouse has a performance)

Well now because for some reason I thought I needed a busier day, I decided to audition for Urinetown-The Musical thinking that I am NEVER going to get a part. Well, I guess I can't even screw up right. I'll be damned if I didn't get cast in the thing. I got the part of Mr. Mc Queen, which is the villain's lackey. So I am in 8 songs if I read the album correctly.


So starting on Jan 2, am now at a theatre (OCP) on the average day, from 2:30pm to 7:00pm the next morning. (16 1/2 hours -- BVT was only 15 on a LONG DAY) So I am going to need to start getting ready to function as a productive member of a goddamn MUSICAL on about 5... count them 5 fucking hours of sleep. And that is assuming that I don't have any thing to do outside of the theatre. I mean I am going to do it, but what the fuck am I thinking. Also as a side note: as friends may know me I may have some pretty interesting bloggings coming up as I tend to let the flood gates in my mind go when I am a little on the sleep deprived side.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


1. Height?
5' 9" approximate

2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
not that I can recollect

3. Do you own a gun?
not anymore, but I used to have a sawed off 12 gauge

4. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents?"
not really because I can fake sanity for a visit

5. What do you think of hot dogs?

6. What's your favorite Christmas song?
The Kids Go Nuts at Xmas
New song I heard from Mrs Bob Cratchit's Wild X-mas Binge. It is sung in a Norwegian accent. It just makes me laugh.

7. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
I drink pop in the morning noon and night

8. Can you do push ups?
not as well as you think I can

9. Is your bathroom clean?
as clean as it can be. (there is always is a lingering odor)

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
I am a ring nut, but I also have a dog tag from RENT that reminds me of Brad Fuglei.

11. Do you like pain killers?
only if I need them for pain

12. Do you have A.D.D?

13. Middle Name?
Norman (after my uncle)

14. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
What am I thinking?
This cheese is delicious.
Man my computer is slow.

15. Name the last 3 things you have bought this week:
pop, Cheese, DVDs

16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
Diet Pepsi, Monster Energy Drink w/juice, Beer

17. Current worry?
I really should be doing something else right now

18. Current hate?
I still hate ignorance w/ apathy

19. Favorite place to be?
acting on Stage

20. Least favorite place to be?
Doctor's office

21. Where would you like to go?
Where ever the wind may fly me to

22. Do you own slippers?

23. What shirt are you wearing?
I am not wearing a shirt

24. Do you burn or tan?
I turn fire engine red

25. Favorite color(s)?

26. Would you be a pirate?

I would rather be a ninja.

27. What songs do you sing in the shower?
I will sing show tunes, Bob and Tom songs, or Amazing Grace.

28. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
Snakes and spiders

29. What's in your pockets right now?
Hex nuts, screws, and empty Wallet

30. What was the last thing to make you laugh?
Today's Bob and Tom Show

31. Worst injury you've ever had?
Knee Surgery (I actually have metal hardware in there)

32. How many TVs do you have in your house?
4 total I own 1
33. Who is your loudest friend?
I have too many loud friends.

34. Who is your quietest friend?
I am usually the quiet one

35. Does someone have a crush on you?
What? Do you know something?

36. Do you wish on shooting stars?

37. What is your favorite book?
Othello (sorry for the Theatre stereotype)

38. What is your favorite candy?
I have a weakness for White Chocolate

39. What song do/did you want played at your wedding?
I don't plan on being married

40. What song do you want played at your funeral?
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
from Monty Python's Life of Brian

41. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
playing Tony Hawk's Project 8

42. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
Where are my fucking pants?

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Celebrity Look alikes

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hello again to an old friend

My friends at the Old Westboro Baptist Church or (WBC) are popping up in the darndest of places.

Member talking on Fox News

I hate these peoplea nd everything that they stand for. and here is why. Remeber that when you read this replace this with your one of your friends

Flier from the Chruch protesting my friend's funeral and my current High School

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Princess Bride reference in Pirate cards

Sunday, April 09, 2006

It's all about me. DEAL WITH IT

I have two bullitiens, no wait I got three:

1. I am now on facebook. They finally got a loophole system where it can go throuhh my Email account at metro that I will probably never look at any more. so if I havent found you, you can find me: here.

2. I added that new monolgue that I talked about earlier on Deviant art. at the link at the right. but if you dont want to make an account to see the monolgues. I have put them as well as some old monolgues I wrote at the website

3. also on the website above, I have Something with Love in the Title- THE PROJECT. if you want to know more about it email me and I will probably add someting to the website explaining it.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Me on Deviant Art

Hey I know that some of you know I write monologues. I never say I write good ones. and sometimes I dont even write happy one(I havent yet)

I joined a site that lets me post up monologues and lets you comment on them. They are under the "deviations section" Here is the site:

Me on Deviant Art

and if you have a Deviant Art site check me out.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Help us out


Operation money

Friday, March 10, 2006

Theater Creatures

Here's a list of a few salient types from the world of community theater. Recognize anybody?

The Wanderer
The actor or actress with a bad case of impaired spatial relationship syndrome. Yes, the usually minor character you block upstage-right to get them out of the way, and who somehow still manages to wind up center stage at the denouement. These folks can cause more traffic jams than a six-car pile-up in downtown Manhattan.

The Voice of Experience
When an actor or actress begins most sentences with, "In my high school drama class we...", your show has been infested with the Voice of Experience. These "pearls of wisdom" will be blithely dropped into the brief interval between one director's note and the next. Unfortunately, most state game commissions still ban the hunting of these creatures, despite their overpopulation problems.

"We did it better at Goshawful Players"
This pervasive pest has a nasty case of "rose-colored" hindsight. Looking back on the nostalgic days of yesteryear, they are quick to point out that things were always handled better at the last community theater group they were a part of. Of course, after listening to them for more than two rehearsals or cast parties, one always get the idea that their last theater group bought them a one-way ticket to your town and you start to wonder what you ever did to the Goshawful Players.

The Fallen Star
This is a sub-species of the "We did it better at..." listed above. Prone to name-dropping and statements that end with, "Of course, we got paid there," this creature is always on the verge of finding a "new" agent and flitting off to New York or L.A. Most often, the closest this type has ever come to Broadway is balcony seats at the road show of Les Miz. Unfortunately, paying their fare to New York or L.A. is not only prohibitively expensive for a small theater group, this species also has at least a dozen reasons why "now is a bad time."

Now starring in the Late-Late Show...
So they were late to auditions... maybe they had trouble finding the theater. Then they were late to the read-through. "The dog was playing with my script... She was so cute, couldn't bear to take it away." Then it was the first rehearsal. "7:30? I thought you said 8!" As rehearsals continue, you hear that bankrobbers kidnapped the actor's mother, his car caught fire "for no reason at all," suspicious characters were following her and she had to "shake them." Finally, you had to make cast call for performances an hour early to make sure he/she showed up on time! Masters of the creative excuse, if they could put half that creativity into their characters, they'd be being late on Broadway instead of disrupting your rehearsals.

The Party Animal
"I hear you guys have great cast parties!" This creature, thinking there is no higher humor than the whoopie cushion, quickly becomes "cast clown." This one is often responsible for other actors breaking character or having hot flashes after eating the mints on stage. If your drunk gasps loudly and turns red in performance, chances are there was real whisky in his "whiskey" and your cast clown is backstage, rolling on the floor. Remember to count to a zillion and remove all sharp objects from the theater before discussing "professionalism in community theater" with your actor.

Bachelor(ette) Number One!
Single or newly divorced, this character shows up looking for love in all the wrong places... backstage, in the green room, at the makeup area, and especially at cast parties. Saltpeter works well.