Someone's Gotta Say This Shit

Well, now I think that I am the last one to fall off the fucking blogging train. So yes I am now mooing. Are you happy? Mostly this will be random shit but may be if you filter through the lovely bits of nonsense and bullshit, you may find a nice little nugget of wisdom. but seriously dont hold your breath for it.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Well just who the hell do I think I am?

I am taking various Surveys from Various websites: I will adding things to this blog so keep checking it:

Which File Extension are You?

Which OS are You?

Which Nigerian spammer are You?

Sunday, October 24, 2004

If you are going to cover a song, DON'T FUCK IT UP, please.

I never thought that Brittney Spears was a great songstress. And I like all types of music, goofier the better, so it takes a lot to screw up something for me. So now I must tip my hat to Mrs.(or Miss, hell who can tell anymore) Spears for screwing up the one thing of bobby brown I had left to cling to. If you don’t know what I am talking about the little lady has done a cover of “My Prerogative” by Bobby Brown. Now I like seeing her roll around and grind random furniture as much as the next red blooded male but, shit, stop it.

Also while typing this I saw a commercial for Hall and Oates’ that right I said it HALL AND OATES’ new album “Our Kind of Soul” in which they do covers of there favorite R&B songs the one that truly disturbs me is the cover of Barry White’s “Cant get Enough of Your Love” does any one else feel like rioting because NOW we have a cause.

Oh the motion... OH THE SWEET MOTION!!!!

I play DDR* on a regular basis and I am a fairly large individ...HELL I'M FAT. And that makes a lot of sense to play DDR* because you lose weight and it is a fun exercise so I wear pretty light clothing to start with. I have done this without a shirt, in my tighty-whities, and now ladies and gentlemen I have gone the full Monty. YES, MY FRIENDS, I HAVE PLAYED DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION* WEARING NOTHING BUT SOCKS. Another fun thing is that in workout mode which I played it keep track of the calories in which I lost and then equates them to swimming, jumping rope, and jogging. I realized that in my dorm room I just streaked for one mile. I didn't pay attention to laps skinny dipped.(I didn't think it was important. I actually striped in song sections and sure enough the first song that I had to start naked was called Afronova Revenge which is one of the fastest songs with a lot of jumping involved with it so needless to say there was a lot of necessary and unnecessary motion.

* now for those who haven’t realized what this game is DDR is a game based on music in which you are standing on a pad on the floor or platform in an arcade in which the player has to step on specific arrows on their “dance pads” to the beat of the music. If you go to a larger arcade of even movie theater arcade they might have a DDR game just look for the people who are grouped together staring at what appears to be a gigantic speaker blaring techno or trance house music.

Monday, October 18, 2004


The Boondocks by Aaron Mc Gruder

I really love this comic because it is pretty balanced and funy. This one is especally touching.

I just put up the link because it is screwing with my sidebar and I am too lazy to adjust the template.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

NU Football and Marriage

So any way its homecoming week/end and frankly I have even less school spirit than that which I leave in loose floating piles in the toilet. I just feel like it is hard to have school spirit about a team that if we win, we get drunk, and if we lose, well, we just get drunk. I call that a win-win situation. And even as we speak someone, somewhere, is calling Bo Pellini and asking him to come back and coach at good ole Nebraska U. OH PSI FUCK NEBRASKA FOOTBALL. I DON'T CARE ANYMORE. I DON'T CARE ANYMORE I DON'T CARE ANYMORE I DON'T CARE ANYMORE I DON'T CARE ANYMORE I DON'T CARE ANYMORE.

Sorry I had to get that out of my system.

and now my true tangent:

as I was watching the Debates(3rd one specifically) I was on the phone with someone because I cant give my full attention to politics. I then noticed the question Is homosexuality a choice? To which my screamed a resounding NO YOU DIPSHITS AND IF YOU ACTUALLY GAVE A DAMN YOU WOULD KNOW THAT!!!! And if someone ever says that the "DOMA" laws are to protect the sanctity of marriage, I have two words for you Brittney Fuckin Spears. At a point when she can go to Vegas and act like this precious ceremony between two loving and caring individuals like a spring break in Cancun. Or couples that stay together for a couple of days then marry and then break up in a couple of months. Then my idea of marriage in no longer defensible. No we cant have two men or two women express their love of many many years in a ceremony in a church with a pastor. For fuck sake I know of a man who married his car. I am really thinking of at least trying to be ordained to do nothing else but to specialize in same sex ceremonies. I think then love will truly mean what the DOMA FREAKS are trying to "defend"

Sunday, October 10, 2004

I already don't like this

So yeah I am already going slowly even more insane with the damn blog. I cant tell what changes I really made because it has some kinda time delay. I trying to see real time changes and so if this looks like shit blame, Blogger.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Well hell ain't this some shit

Okay this is my first post, so who the hell knows where this little trip is going to take us.