Someone's Gotta Say This Shit

Well, now I think that I am the last one to fall off the fucking blogging train. So yes I am now mooing. Are you happy? Mostly this will be random shit but may be if you filter through the lovely bits of nonsense and bullshit, you may find a nice little nugget of wisdom. but seriously dont hold your breath for it.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Return to the Blogging

Hell shit how long has this been... I mean how long has really been since I put up a post on this thing and lets go even farther back for a post of relevance. (If you are trying to answer that, I no longer need you as a reader.)

Well what has happened with me since... Christ it was APRIL... Well short list it up to somewhat recent times...

1. May trip to SD shooting for Bizible
I got hurt there but not near as much stress there as when I came back
2. Brownville Village Theatre (May to August)
Fun again this year
God it is going to be hard to say good bye to that place.
I may be there one more year after I don't think it is fun any more.
3. Started back at working with Aurstaff and taking classes @ OCP (August to Nov)
Got pissed with working with Aurstaff (working really shitty hours like 4 hours)

During this period I was working "for classes" on the sets for the up-coming shows at the Playhouse. And also even worked the sound board for a show that is in a very small space (The Howard Drew Theatre, if you know what that is). And they had 8 people with microphones in there. It felt almost impossible to keep everyone microphone even sounding because sure enough there would be a person talking directly into someone else's mic. And on top of that, it was a musical. All around fun experience though.

Now in November I did something that I think was really smart on my part. I became a Janitor for the Playhouse. I figured they knew my schedule, it was something I was some what used to doing on a smaller scale at BVT. And I can't say exactly what I am getting paid, but trust me, it is on the high side of what I would have gotten at Aurstaff. So I have been doing that for about a month and I have a very good idea that it will work out for me. The hours are from 11:00 PM to 7:00 the next morning, so I am basically alone for most of my work day. (Envy me now) My schedule is also is a little different because I work for Wednesday to Sunday (the days that the playhouse has a performance)

Well now because for some reason I thought I needed a busier day, I decided to audition for Urinetown-The Musical thinking that I am NEVER going to get a part. Well, I guess I can't even screw up right. I'll be damned if I didn't get cast in the thing. I got the part of Mr. Mc Queen, which is the villain's lackey. So I am in 8 songs if I read the album correctly.


So starting on Jan 2, am now at a theatre (OCP) on the average day, from 2:30pm to 7:00pm the next morning. (16 1/2 hours -- BVT was only 15 on a LONG DAY) So I am going to need to start getting ready to function as a productive member of a goddamn MUSICAL on about 5... count them 5 fucking hours of sleep. And that is assuming that I don't have any thing to do outside of the theatre. I mean I am going to do it, but what the fuck am I thinking. Also as a side note: as friends may know me I may have some pretty interesting bloggings coming up as I tend to let the flood gates in my mind go when I am a little on the sleep deprived side.