Someone's Gotta Say This Shit

Well, now I think that I am the last one to fall off the fucking blogging train. So yes I am now mooing. Are you happy? Mostly this will be random shit but may be if you filter through the lovely bits of nonsense and bullshit, you may find a nice little nugget of wisdom. but seriously dont hold your breath for it.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

I miss my Vagina

I am noticing a lot of my friends having Vagina buttons. I know what they are for. But it makes me nostalgic, not when I had a vagina or anything like that. But when I had a vagina. I didn't own it like it was property. I owned as it was a haven for me. I was smart enough to know that at the moment we were together that no matter what happened in my life I had a person to be there that I could go insane in front of and then she would be able to calm me down.

Now more than ever I miss her I miss everything That she meant to me. Yeah I miss my Vagina, and her name was Sabrina.

My Friend Stina

Gallery of Riot Girl

This is a gallery of my friend Stina. She is a graduating senior with an art education major(she might correct me on that one). If you want a sneak peek at what she has in store for her gallery that is in Nordstrand on the second floor in Fine Arts. I would recommend visiting her. For if nothing else visit something a student does.

SO what the hell else is new

Sorry I haven't been posting much. I am not even sure I live in my room anymore. I know that is where I sleep most of the time but really it ain't my home. Also I am kinda pissed because for the first time in my poetic career that I am not going to the poetry slam. Also my parents. I am going to strangle them not because I am not a loving son and I am not in the mind set that I know that they hate me. It just that they had to use the F word: Failure. In my opinion there is nothing like the word Failure. It is not my fear but it is my regret.

Sorry there is no happy ending to this. I just let out a lot of anger and aggression a piece of wood. i felt a little better but then I went back to my hole of anger and it always sits there to wait on your arrival.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Rules for living

01. When in doubt, select the chocolate flavor.
02. When establishing discipline for your child, reserve the harshest punishment for lying.
03. The time spent in obtaining the right tool always pays off.
04. Never judge a moral code by the behavior of those who don't fully comply with it.
05. Start all screws before tightening any.
06. When something goes wrong in an organization, blame the leadership.
07. Marriage really begins when you start having sex. Don't marry a stranger.
08. Never have more than one relationship at a time with any person.
09. If you cannot stop at just one drink, accept that for you the only safe number is zero.
10. Pay cash or do without.
11. Always keep your word.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Its sad because its true

I am just going to post this because I saw it on biskuit's blog. I am a person who is just fine watching video games being played by someone else. And I am not a big fan of playing RPGs. I am usually the man going on line looking for the FAQ. It is a very long list but if you got the time and a pretty vast recollection of RPGs it is pretty funny.

The Grand List Of Console Role Playing Game Clichés

Friday, November 05, 2004

Election 2004

So Bush won and frankly I am speechless. I was hoping that the American public would listen to what they were actually saying to each other. I know I live in a college town and maybe that is why but all I was hearing form people were "How the fuck did we elect this man in the first place?" Well frankly who the fuck were they voting for? Cause some how, in my opinion, the seemingly dumbest man in the political system, seemed to get 51% of this nation to vote for him. The only way I see it is one of a couple reasons.

1. They want to see how Bush finishes this nice sand box shuffle we like to call the War in Iraq

2. They voted Republican because they registered as a Republican, and fuck if they change their minds and seem like a "flip-flopper" so they can't vote democrat because we are all painted red or blue aren't we?

3. They were afraid that Kerry is soft on defense and a "flip-flopper". Because right now we are in a great little slice of fucking heaven under Bush now. Aren't we?

4. Our parents always told us to vote republican. If that is the case guess why your parents vote republican. We can go all the way back to things like the civil rights movement and we know how republicans thought of that.

5 You voted for Nader, and in my book you voted for Bush. Don't give me that "I hate Bush and Kerry" crap. Do you really think that Nader had a snowball's chance in hell? When I asked people who said that they wrote in Nader because I lived in a State where he wasn't on the ballot(that way it had to be a real effort to vote for him)who would you vote for out of the two party candidates? Almost all said that they would vote for Kerry.

I know that he is going to be our leader for probably the next 4 years and I will treat his election like he told me to treat the attacks on 9/11: I will carry on with the same beliefs I had before the terrible day. I will continue to believe that marriage should be about love not gender. God doesn't need money or a place in politics. I will believe that peace should be the first step before jumping into war. And finally that BUSH IS STILL THE #1 DUMBEST FUCK IN THE COUNTRY.